Neil A. Carousso produces and co-hosts WCBS Newsradio 880’s Small Business Spotlight series with Joe Connolly. Click here to watch the weekly video segments featuring advice for business owners on survival, recovery and growth opportunities.
  • “The Real Deal with Neil:” The Future of the Globalist Left is Not the Future of Your Country

    In “The Real Deal with Neil” segment on “The Neil A. Carousso Show,” Neil hammers the political left for not listening to the hard-working American people who decidedly voted the Democrats out of power since former President Barack Obama took office in 2009.

    The “divided and powerless” Democratic Party is clinging to the old establishment wing of the party with Tom Perez, former Obama labor secretary, being elected by the Dems on Saturday to head the Democratic National Committee. Keith Ellison, widely accused as being an anti-semite, by members of his own party and others, who has accepted money and trips from terrorist-funded organizations, will be the deputy DNC char.

    The DNC is attempting to recover after former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned this summer after a WikiLeaks email dump revealed that she and the DNC leadership sabotaged Bernie Sanders’ campaign in favor of candidate Hillary Clinton.

    Lastly, Isaac Chotiner writes a deplorable Slate obituary about a late friend, Alan Colmes. Chotiner calls Colmes a “buffoon” and “patsy,” in an obituary remembering the late liberal commentator who passed away at the age of 66 last week. The Slate writer slanders Colmes’ long-time friend and original television partner, conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, and what Chotiner deemed to be a more conservative slanted program, despite having both liberal and conservative co-hosts on Fox News Channel’s Hannity & Colmes, as being a vehicle to disseminate “racist or homophobic or Islamophobic ways” – a typical liberal false smear of Republicans. Neil comments on all of this on the “Real Deal with Neil” segment above.

    “The Real Deal with Neil” is the final segment on the weekly live streaming program where Neil picks a topic and expounds upon it with insight and well-informed, bold analysis in a straight-forward, “tell it the way it is” manner.

    “The Neil A. Carousso Show” airs live on Sundays at 12 Noon ET/9 AM PT on YouTube and

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