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Comey Testifies: No Collusion, No Pressure to End Russia Investigation, No Votes Changed, Trump Not Under Investigation and Leaking Admission
By Neil A. Carousso
Former FBI Director James Comey testified in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and national television, on Thursday, providing insight into his side of the story as it relates to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s correspondence with President Donald J. Trump.
Comey divulged he leaked the memos he wrote about his conversations with President Trump to the media. He said he decided to leak his memos to the press via a third-party friend, a “professor at Columbia Law School,” later identified as Daniel Richman, after waking up in the middle of the night worried that his side of the story would not get out in the public sphere. The disgraced ex-FBI Director felt it was his obligation, like other Washington, D.C. political actors who leak, to release this information which is being debated as official, sensitive U.S. Government information and personal notes. This is also raising credibility concerns that Comey could have been leaking classified information throughout his tenure to fit a personal agenda, like politicians do anonymously to hurt political opponents or push a political narrative.
Comey said he hoped that by leaking his own memos a special counsel would be appointed. A special counsel, headed by former FBI Director Robert Mueller, was appointed by the Justice Department on May 17 to ensure independence over the investigation into Russia interference of the U.S. election. President Trump had fired Comey 8 days earlier.
According to Fox News sources and other media organizations, President Trump’s personal lawyer Marc Kasowitz will file a complaint with the Department of Justice’s Inspector General’s Office and the Senate Judiciary Committee after Comey said he leaked the private conversation he had with the Commander-In-Chief in order to prompt the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russian interference. It is not clear whether Kasowitz will file the complaint, but it is expected.
Despite Comey’s testimony, the department sent a memo to Comey on March 2 noting that Sessions had recused himself because of his support for President Trump during the campaign. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) During the hearing, Comey claimed that he never saw any memoranda regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recusal from all matters involving the investigation into Russian interference of the election and any possible relation with the Trump campaign. However, the Department of Justice released a statement Thursday evening accusing the ex-FBI head of providing false testimony. DOJ Spokesman Ian Prior wrote that Comey received an email on March 2, attached on the Justice Department site, “specifically informing Mr. Comey and other relevant Department officials of the recusal and its parameters, and advising that each of them instruct their staff ‘not to brief the Attorney General *** about, or otherwise involve the Attorney General *** in, any such matters described.'”
Ironically, the only thing that wasn’t leaked to media, as Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) pointed out in the hearing, that was discussed in Comey’s testimony was that there has never been an investigation of Mr. Trump. Comey confirmed he told President Trump that he was not under investigation on three separate occasions, as Trump wrote in his letter of termination. Comey also established many media reports chronicling the investigation into Russia interference in the last U.S. election have been false.
As all intelligence chiefs have confirmed under oath, Comey reiterated that there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. The ex-FBI Director also said, like all other intelligence officers, he never felt pressure to end the investigation. To the contrary, Comey revealed President Trump encouraged him to pursue the facts of whether or not Trump’s campaign officials communicated inappropriately and/or illegally with Russian officials. Mr. Trump wanted the investigation to be conducted independently, accurately and swiftly.
In 2004, Comey and Justice Department officials threatened to resign over a dispute about former President George W. Bush’s surveillance program. Comey said he never considered resigning from his post under the Trump Administration despite the “awkward” conversations and disagreements he had with the President – most of which has been publicized after Comey was fired.
The ex-FBI leader said former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, an Obama appointee, directed him to call the criminal investigation into 2016 Democrat Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s private email server a “matter.” The FBI director reports directly to the attorney general and both serve at the pleasure of the president.
Comey made a public announcement on July 5, 2016 highlighting the crimes Mrs. Clinton committed but concluded that “no reasonable prosecutor” would take the case, relieving Attorney General Lynch of making a tough decision on prosecuting the Democratic nominee days after meeting with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, on the Phoenix tarmac while his wife was under a criminal investigation.
Despite his concerns about Obama Administration officials, Comey only took notes on Mr. Trump and did not pursue a special counsel appointment for the Clinton investigation.
240 Character Commentary and Analysis:
3.6 million Tweets were sent between 7 AM-1:30 PM ET, discussing former FBI Director Comey’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Here, we compile a series of facts, intelligent comments, perceptive analyses and statements stemming from Thursday’s hearing in reverse chronological order, starting with President Trump’s reaction on Twitter on Friday morning.
Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication…and WOW, Comey is a leaker!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 9, 2017
BREAKING: Trump's private lawyer releases statement after Comey testimony. https://t.co/qUdAlHCYjp pic.twitter.com/6MmMnuaRPY
— CNBC (@CNBC) June 8, 2017
Comey also testified before he wasn't a leaker and then today he was. That could prove interesting as well.
— Adam Housley (@adamhousley) June 8, 2017
.@POTUS: "The entrenched interests and failed bitter voices in Washington will do everything in their power to try and stop us." pic.twitter.com/2vJIMg0GDy
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 8, 2017
Comey thought Lynch had a conflict of interest so he exonerated Hillary himself; he thought Trump had one, so he pushed for special counsel?
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 8, 2017
.@POTUS should be vindicated. No legal case against him. Comey revealed Trump wanted him to pursue probe to find truth about campaign.
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
Comey acknowledged the Constitutional authority @POTUS has to fire FBI Director. He sounds sour about it and why he leaked his own memos.
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
If @POTUS knew that Comey leaked his own memos, that is more of a reason for Trump to fire Comey.
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
Both sides will claim victory, but it's evident there is no legal wrongdoing & Comey never felt pressure or felt he should resign like '04.
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
It's now time to put an end to the D.C. grandstanding, stop the leaking, let special counsel do its job and enact the legislative agenda.
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
The law that is. https://t.co/gKj0CpY1Kn
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
Comey said a February NY Times story claiming contacts between Trump associates and Russia was "almost entirely wrong"
— Chris Barron 🇺🇸 (@ChrisRBarron) June 8, 2017
Comey confirms #FakeNews reports in MSM hyping up investigation and Russia contacts that did not exist.
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
Comey said he shares the view with @POTUS to prosecute leakers of classified information. He leaked his own memos!
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
The FBI had a "criminal investigation open" into @HillaryClinton's private email server. Former AG Lynch wanted Comey to call it a "matter."
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
Lankford: "Did any member of the @WhiteHouse staff ever come to you & talk to you about letting go of the @GenFlynn case…?"#Comey: "No." pic.twitter.com/6lj3sWTBZt
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 8, 2017
#BigLeagueTruth: Comey testified under oath that @POTUS never asked him or anyone else to end any investigation. #ComeyHearing pic.twitter.com/8hSdp47SV5
— GOP (@GOP) June 8, 2017
Major development! If Trump knew about that, that was cause to fire Comey.
— Bill O'Reilly (@BillOReilly) June 8, 2017
Comey takes no responsibility. He should have made a public statement if he felt necessary. Instead: More unnamed sources. Agenda? https://t.co/iq1NnIwFzT
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
Russia interfering is dangerous. They've done it since the '60s. What cyber advancements have we made since then? No votes changed 11/8/16! https://t.co/McbpXpj3rv
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
Why is the committee ignoring that Comey leaked his own memos? Is it because they all leak for their political agendas? #DrainTheSwamp https://t.co/w0kKm4OLss
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
Comey admits he leaked the content of his memo to the press via a friend, a professor at Columbia Law School. Highly sensitive info leaked.
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
It's possible Comey leaked the dossier to the media. Only Comey, former CIA Dir. Brennan, NSA Dir Rogers, former DNI Clapper in briefing.
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
"I could be wrong." – Former FBI Director James Comey
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
Anonymous leaks always fit an agenda. Obviously, leakers and media aimed to destroy Trump, revive Comey's damaged rep. #WitchHunt https://t.co/raJzLgnCbA
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
Hoping (Trump), Telling (Former AG Loretta Lynch) #DoubleStandard https://t.co/eGMgh9uyLF
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
1/3 Flynn stuff is BS in context 2 guys talking about a guy they both know well. I hear "I hope nothing happens but you have to do your job"
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 8, 2017
2/3 very far from any kind of coercion or influence and certainly not obstruction!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 8, 2017
3/3 Knowing my father for 39 years when he "orders or tells" you to do something there is no ambiguity, you will know exactly what he means
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 8, 2017
So double standard: @POTUS "hoped" Comey could "let it go." Lynch "told" Comey to call it a "matter" instead of investigation. https://t.co/VYAQDZk89D
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
That is clearly not obstruction of justice. Hoping and pressuring are different. Remember: Trump not a seasoned politician. Real word convo https://t.co/OkhtiorcT7
— Neil A. Carousso (@NeilACarousso) June 8, 2017
Feb 14 Oval Office Meeting (per Comey testimony)
– Trump said, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.” https://t.co/RAFgF4m2Ua— Fox News Research (@FoxNewsResearch) June 8, 2017
.@SenatorRisch: "@POTUS was not under investigation – is that a fair statement?"#Comey: "That's correct." https://t.co/gUoc8uBkcH pic.twitter.com/oTbCpv2yJO
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 8, 2017
Risch: "[@POTUS] did not direct you to let it go."
Comey: "Not in his words, no." https://t.co/gUoc8uBkcH pic.twitter.com/M74zDiJuXa
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 8, 2017
#Comey: "I understood that I could be fired by a president for any reason or for no reason at all." https://t.co/gUoc8uBkcH pic.twitter.com/bMQkiAx1tm
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 8, 2017
.@SenatorBurr: "Are you confident that no votes cast in the 2016 presidential election were altered?"#Comey: "I'm confident." pic.twitter.com/suNxTRzgBS
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 8, 2017
Burr: "Did @POTUS at any time ask you to stop the FBI investigation into Russian involvement…?"#Comey: "Not to my understanding, no." pic.twitter.com/YNsVqBAe66
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 8, 2017
Burr: "Did any individual working for this administration… ask you to stop the Russian investigation?"#Comey: "No." pic.twitter.com/rl2ZsUU2TG
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 8, 2017
Burr: "Would you say that it's normal for foreign govts to reach out to members of an incoming administration?"#Comey: "Yes." pic.twitter.com/xQImb0QBO7
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 8, 2017
#Comey: "There is not a counterintelligence investigation of Mr. Trump." https://t.co/gUoc8uBkcH pic.twitter.com/7xGFMqpOFv
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 8, 2017
Ahead of #Comey's testimony on his interactions w/ Pres #Trump, here's a look at intriguing remarks made by then-Deputy AG Comey back in '05 pic.twitter.com/pMLtWpfBX0
— Fox News Research (@FoxNewsResearch) June 8, 2017
Flashback: Comey Says Trump Never Obstructed Justice
Former FBI Director Comey says President Trump never obstructed justice.
On Thursday, the ex-FBI director added there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. Comey has also said, Trump and his team have not impeded the investigation.
All intelligence officials and politicians from both parties have concluded there is no evidence of collusion or change of votes at the ballots on November 8, 2016.